Posts for: #github

Blog Backend

How this blog is deployed ClearNet: gitea (main repo) -> metroline (custom hugo build container) -> github release (via custom container to clone from gitea and push to github) -> cloudflare pages (this is auto when there’s a commit in the github repo) TOR: gitea (main repo) -> metroline (custom hugo build container) -> rsync (custom container to push to web server) -> webserver (proxied via link HERE ) I had to do it this way since CloudFlare Pages only work with Github.

Git fun

Here’s some simple things to do with git When updating a repo this is the simplest way to do it git config --global FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME | this sets the person who made the commit (first/last name) git config --global [email protected] | this sets the person who made the commit (email) git diff | this is the see any lines you’ve changed git status | this will show which branch your on and which files have changed (not the contents of the file like git diff, but just the files themselves)
