Posts for: #tor

Proxy website through NGiNX to get on the TOR network

This tutorial assumings the set up below NGINX CLEARWEB (web site hosted via SSL port 443) -> NGINX (reverse proxy for HTTPS website, converts website to HTTP and rewrites all 'DOMAIN.COM' to new .ONION address) -> TOR PROXY SERVICE Install Tor apt install tor Configure Tor nano /etc/tor/torrc Add the lines below to the file above HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ HiddenServicePort 80 Find Tor hostname cat /var/lib/tor/ Now it’s time to configure NGiNX

Blog Backend

How this blog is deployed ClearNet: gitea (main repo) -> metroline (custom hugo build container) -> github release (via custom container to clone from gitea and push to github) -> cloudflare pages (this is auto when there’s a commit in the github repo) TOR: gitea (main repo) -> metroline (custom hugo build container) -> rsync (custom container to push to web server) -> webserver (proxied via link HERE ) I had to do it this way since CloudFlare Pages only work with Github.
