Posts for: #Debian

Rundeck fun

nano docker-compose.yaml version: '3' services: rundeck: image: 'rundeck/rundeck:3.4.8' restart: unless-stopped environment: RUNDECK_GRAILS_URL: '' RUNDECK_SERVER_FORWARDED: 'true' RUNDECK_DATABASE_DRIVER: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver RUNDECK_DATABASE_USERNAME: rundeck RUNDECK_DATABASE_PASSWORD: rundeck RUNDECK_DATABASE_URL: jdbc:mysql://mysql/rundeck?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false ports: - volumes: - ./data/data:/home/rundeck/server/data - ./data/projects:/home/rundeck/projects - ./data/ depends_on: - "mysql" mysql: image: mysql:5.7 restart: unless-stopped environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=rundeck - MYSQL_USER=rundeck - MYSQL_PASSWORD=rundeck volumes: - ./data/db:/var/lib/mysql First you’ll want to comment out - ./data/ then docker exec -it rundeck_rundeck_1 cat /home/rundeck/server/config/ > ./data/ to get the file.

Usenet Basics

Here’s a quick rundown of how usenet works: The three things required are a server, indexer, and downloaders. Server: Where you download the articles from. (Eweka, SuperNews) Indexer: A search engine for the usenet servers. (NZBGeek, NZBCat, DogNZB) Downloader: This is used to download and extract the files since they are put into RAR files. (NZBGet, SABnzbd) Arr software searches via the indexer which then sends the .nzb file to the downloader.

Headscale Notes

Client DNS If you don’t want to use magic DNS like myself. I was having issues with it so I did this. Add the following to ~/.bashrc this will allow you to SSH to clients in the following way tailssh $USER $HOSTNAME you can also just run tailssh and that will show you all of the servers function tailssh () { if [[ -z $1 ]] && [[ -z $2 ]]; then tailscale status | grep -v 'filter/INPUT' | column -t else host=$(tailscale status | grep $2 | awk '{ print $1 }') ssh ${1}@${host} fi } Now we need to install column apt install bsdmainutils

How to set up Headscale

Here I will walk you through setting up Headscale Create Directories mkdir -p /opt/headscale/config /opt/headscale/bin Install Reqs apt install -y wireguard-tools nginx apt-transport-https Generate Key wg genkey > /opt/headscale/config/private.key Download newest release from HERE wget -O /opt/headscale/bin/headscale Add headscale ~/.bashrc echo PATH=$PATH:/opt/headscale/bin >> ~/.bashrc Source the new PATH source ~/.bashrc Create config Create a config in /opt/headscale/config/config.yml nano config.yaml --- # The url clients will connect to. # Typically this will be a domain.

Apaches Alias with ProxyPass

I was trying to get an alias to work with a ProxyPass. This is pretty easy in NGiNX you just add locations where they need to be, but it appears in Apache/HTTPD you have to specify to ignore the location without the ProxyPass Module The below needs to be added into your VirtualHost. This specific use was for the AppRise_API server Alias "/s" "/opt/apprise/server/apprise_api/static" <Directory "/opt/apprise/server/apprise_api/static"> AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> ReWriteEngine on ProxyPassMatch ^/s !

Use Gotify CLI with just curl and jq

Install Reqs apt install -y curl jq Add to bashrc file nano ~/.bashrc function gotify() { if [[ -z "$1"] || -z "$2" || -z "$3" ]]; then echo echo "Usage: gotify [title] [message] [priority]"; echo else source /etc/gotify.conf URL="${URL}/message?token=${TOKEN}" command=$(curl -s "${URL}" -F "title=${1}" -F "message=${2}" -F "priority=${3}" | jq '.id') && echo "Sent with ID: ${command}" unset URL; unset TOKEN fi } Add config nano /etc/gotify.conf URL="https://URL.COM" TOKEN="APP_TOKEN"

Get toast notifications in windows for gotify

Below is how to recieve toast-notifications for gotify on windows We have to allow powershell scripts run set-executionpolicy remotesigned as admin in powershell Install BurntToast in powershell. Open powershell as admin then type Install-Module -Name BurntToast it will ask some questions just hit yes to all of them Download websocat_win64.exe from Github HERE Below is the script param ($domain="", $token="AAAAAAAA") C:\Users\user\Downloads\websocat_win64.exe "wss://$domain/stream?token=$token" | %{ convertfrom-json $_ } | where-object {$_.

Proxy website through NGiNX to get on the TOR network

This tutorial assumings the set up below NGINX CLEARWEB (web site hosted via SSL port 443) -> NGINX (reverse proxy for HTTPS website, converts website to HTTP and rewrites all 'DOMAIN.COM' to new .ONION address) -> TOR PROXY SERVICE Install Tor apt install tor Configure Tor nano /etc/tor/torrc Add the lines below to the file above HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ HiddenServicePort 80 Find Tor hostname cat /var/lib/tor/ Now it’s time to configure NGiNX

Install Debian using RS232 serial cable

The following is for Windows Download Putty Choose serial and select the COM? you can find the com number from device manager under [Ports (COM & LPT)] Now that we have a serial connection go ahead and plug in the netinstall iso usb drive created using Rufus from Debian website hit tab to enter cmd to boot remove quiet after the --- and replace with console=ttyS0,115200n8 example below. This will make the installer use the serial port

Remove all data using exiftool

Install exiftool apt install -y exiftool Use EXIFTOOL If you want to loop thru folder (this assumes no spaces in file names) for a in *.jpg; do exiftool -all= "${a}"; done If you want to only do a specific file do exiftool -all= file.jpg

Speedtest-cli with Grafana, InfluxDB, and Telegraf

HERE is the script that you can add to cron. Don’t forget to update the file with your influx creds and provisioned upload/download. mkdir /root/scripts wget -O /root/scripts/ echo '0 * * * * root /root/scripts/' >> /etc/cronab HERE is the json for the dashboard

Simple router using Debian and Firewall-cmd as a base

Here is a quick rundown on how to make a simple Debian box into a router Removed un-needed items apt purge iptables Install required items apt install bridge-utils firewalld dnsmasq Enable IP Forwarding sed -i 's/#net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/g' /etc/sysctl.conf Find NICs ip a to find the NICs Now we create the bridge. This is assuming your device has three NICs and you want two for LAN and one for WAN nano /etc/network/interfaces

HDHomeRun metrics using Grafana, InfluxDB, and Telegraf

nano /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/input-hdhr.conf [[inputs.exec]] commands = ["curl http://<IP-OF-DEVICE>/status.json"] timeout = "5s" data_format = "json" name_override = "HDHomeRun" tag_keys = ["Resource"] [inputs.exec.tags] device="<IP-OF-DEVICE>" HERE is the json for the dashboard This might get updated, might not.

Storj Non-Docker using SystemD

This is just basic hints, not a full guide This assumes you have some basic linux knowledge Download identity and storagenode from github (I like to download these things to /opt/storj/) Create auth token HERE Create identity HERE (This took about 4 hours on my node | E3-1280 V2) storagenode setup. This will create config file and other needed files in ~/.local/share/storj/storagenode/config.yaml and ~/.local/share/storj/storagenode/storage Now you need to edit ~/.local/share/storj/storagenode/config.yaml and make changes as needed (wallet, identity files and data storage locations, email, storage size)

Modoboa not sending email

By default the policyd is using IPv6. This needs to be forced to use IPv4 since the VPS I’m using doesn’t seem to have IPv6 enabled nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/policyd.conf Replace command=/srv/modoboa/env/bin/python /srv/modoboa/instance/ policy_daemon with command=/srv/modoboa/env/bin/python /srv/modoboa/instance/ policy_daemon --host

Modoboa using mariadb

git clone cd modoboa-installer ./ --stop-after-configfile-check nano installer.cfg Add the folloing to installer.cfg [database] engine = mysql host = install = true

How to create keystrokes on Debian

This is very useful when working with VPSes where you can’t paste into the VNC connection (maybe I’m doing something wrong and you can?). Below is a quick piece of code I use. This should be ran as the user and not root. This sleeps for 5 seconds so you can navigate to where you need. sleep 5s; xdotool type CODE_TO_TYPE_HERE This is very easy and simple, but since I just switched to Debian full time from Windows it was a nice/easy way.

Fix battery drain while sleeping with laptop

I recnetly decided to switch to Debian full time for my personal laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga Gen 3), after using it for a week or so I noticed that when I closed the lid it would die after less than a day. After some googleing I found the answer and they are below. I also noticed that the machine never seemed to wake up like it did on Windows (just open it and it should come alive), after switching over to deep_sleep it fixed that issue.

dd Tricks

Here’s a couple tips and tricks while using dd on Linux You can view the status of an on-going dd command (I always forget to run with progress or the version you’re using doesn’t have it) You will need another terminal window. Not a problem for me as I always use tmux, some people say screen it better. Find PID of dd process -> ps aux | grep -v grep | grep dd

Sudo Fun

I always add a file into /etc/sudoers.d/, just remeber the last entry is trump, so it can overturn the first entries. Because of this I always like to name the files like below. /etc/sudoers.d/999_nick /etc/sudoers.d/001_rick /etc/sudoers.d/111_slick-rick /etc/sudoers.d/222_slick-nick This means if there’s an entry in 999_nick that conficts with any of the others it will trump the other configs. This is how to run without password and only specific program, this is useful, for example my telegraf config when it has to run an exec, but the telegraf user doesn’t have perms.

Pleroma with Backblaze-B2 behind Cloudflare CDN

Make sure Backblaze is working with Cloudflare. This can be found HERE Uncomment out the below. I made my Backblaze URL s3.DOMAIN.COM nano /etc/pleroma/config.exs # Configure S3 support if desired. # The public S3 endpoint (base_url) is different depending on region and provider, # consult your S3 provider's documentation for details on what to use. # config :pleroma, Pleroma.Upload, uploader: Pleroma.Uploaders.S3, base_url: "https://s3.DOMAIN.COM/file" # config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.S3, bucket: "BUCKET_NAME", # bucket_namespace: "my-namespace", # truncated_namespace: nil, streaming_enabled: true, strip_exif: true # # Configure S3 credentials: config :ex_aws, :s3, access_key_id: "0000000000000000000000000", secret_access_key: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", # region: "us-west-002", scheme: "https://" # # For using third-party S3 clones like wasabi, also do: config :ex_aws, :s3, host: "s3.

Full system backup with restic and minio

Minio Install mkdir /opt/minio cd /opt/minio wget wget chmod +x mc minio echo 'PATH="${PATH}:/opt/minio"' >> /root/.bashrc useradd minio mkdir -p /data/minio chown minio: -R /opt/minio /data/minio Configure Systemd service nano /etc/systemd/system/minio.service Paste the following in the above file # [Unit] Description=MinIO Documentation= AssertFileIsExecutable=/opt/minio/minio [Service] WorkingDirectory=/opt/minio User=minio Group=minio EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/minio ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c "if [ -z \"${MINIO_VOLUMES}\" ]; then echo \"Variable MINIO_VOLUMES not set in /etc/default/minio\"; exit 1; fi" ExecStart=/opt/minio/minio server $MINIO_OPTS $MINIO_VOLUMES # Let systemd restart this service always Restart=always # Specifies the maximum file descriptor number that can be opened by this process LimitNOFILE=65536 # Specifies the maximum number of threads this process can create TasksMax=infinity # Disable timeout logic and wait until process is stopped TimeoutStopSec=infinity SendSIGKILL=no [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.

Channels DVR with Pluto and Philo installed on Debian 10

Below I will be writing how to install and configure Channels DVR with Pluto using Pluto4Channels and Philo using TV Everywhere on Debian 10 First install ChannelsDVR, I will be doing this on Linux. This does work on RaspberryPi which is awesome useradd channels-dvr cd /opt This will install the ChannelsDVR in the current folder and install the systemd service curl -f -s | sh chown channels-dvr: -R /opt/channels-dvr
