Posts for: #Bash

DynamicDNS with Cloudflare bash

Here is a bash script I use to update DDNS with CloudFlare, I could use ddclient, but I like this it works for me apt -y install dnsutils jq curl #!/usr/bin/env bash # A bash script to update a Cloudflare DNS A record with the external IP of the source machine # Used to provide DDNS service for my home # Needs the DNS record pre-creating on Cloudflare ## Based on https://gist.

Gitea Auth using Authentik Proxy Outpost

RIGHT NOW GITEA KEEPS LOGGED IN AS FIRST USER SO IT’S NOT PERFECT, THERE’S A KNOWN ISSUE We need to update the logout button to the authentik logout URL: wget -O /var/lib/gitea/custom/templates/base/head_navbar.tmpl Replace the old logout URL with the new: sed -i 's#/user/logout#/akprox/sign_out#g' /var/lib/gitea/custom/templates/base/head_navbar.tmpl I did notice when replacing the URL to logout it doesn’t directly log you out, but will be logged out next time you try to do anything Now it’s time to config gitea; nano /etc/gitea/app.

Grafana Auth using Authentik Proxy Outpost

nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini [auth.proxy] # Defaults to false, but set to true to enable this feature enabled = true # HTTP Header name that will contain the username or email header_name = X-authentik-username # HTTP Header property, defaults to `username` but can also be `email` header_property = username # Set to `true` to enable auto sign up of users who do not exist in Grafana DB. Defaults to `true`. auto_sign_up = false # Define cache time to live in minutes # If combined with Grafana LDAP integration it is also the sync interval sync_ttl = 60 # Limit where auth proxy requests come from by configuring a list of IP addresses.

rPiBoot Fun

First you can download the intstaller for rpiboot for Windows from github at HERE Then I always prefer Debian which can be found HERE I’m using the DF Robot Router Board from HERE Huge shoutout and thanks to Jeff Geerling for the board. To get the CM4 into rpiboot mode you have to switch the little switch on the DF Robot Board labeled RPIBOOT to 1 Now you have to install the program, then open up rpiboot and let it do it’s thing then it’ll be mounted

Rundeck fun

nano docker-compose.yaml version: '3' services: rundeck: image: 'rundeck/rundeck:3.4.8' restart: unless-stopped environment: RUNDECK_GRAILS_URL: '' RUNDECK_SERVER_FORWARDED: 'true' RUNDECK_DATABASE_DRIVER: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver RUNDECK_DATABASE_USERNAME: rundeck RUNDECK_DATABASE_PASSWORD: rundeck RUNDECK_DATABASE_URL: jdbc:mysql://mysql/rundeck?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false ports: - volumes: - ./data/data:/home/rundeck/server/data - ./data/projects:/home/rundeck/projects - ./data/ depends_on: - "mysql" mysql: image: mysql:5.7 restart: unless-stopped environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root - MYSQL_DATABASE=rundeck - MYSQL_USER=rundeck - MYSQL_PASSWORD=rundeck volumes: - ./data/db:/var/lib/mysql First you’ll want to comment out - ./data/ then docker exec -it rundeck_rundeck_1 cat /home/rundeck/server/config/ > ./data/ to get the file.

Monitoring Domain Expiry

After using LibreNMS for years and it was giving me issues, I decided to give check_mk RAW a try. It works great. I was able to find a way to have check_mk check for Domain Expiry. The original post is HERE, but the formatting wasn’t working so I reposted it. nano /scripts/check-domain-expiry After you have edited this file make sure to add it to a daily crontab. We don’t check the every check cycle since you’d probably get blocked due to high requests.
