Posts for: #zfs

Seagate Disable Sleep

To disable sleep run the following commands for f in $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep ata-ST | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | sed 's/9//g' | sed 's/1//g' | sort | uniq); do /opt/openseachest/openSeaChest-v23.03.1-linux-x86_64-portable/openSeaChest_PowerControl -d "/dev/${f}" --powerBalanceFeature disable; done for f in $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep ata-ST | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | sed 's/9//g' | sed 's/1//g' | sort | uniq); do /opt/openseachest/openSeaChest-v23.03.1-linux-x86_64-portable/openSeaChest_PowerControl -d "/dev/${f}" --EPCfeature disable; done

MergerFS with ZFS filesystems

By default mergerfs appears to try and mount before ZFS is mounted which causes the mergerfs filesytem to fail. To fix this we just need to add x-systemd.requires=zfs-mount.service to the /etc/fstab entry For example my /etc/fstab entry is below: /hdd*/mergerfs /data fuse.mergerfs splice_read,threads=4,allow_other,cache.readdir=true,cache.files=off,fsname=mergerfs,use_ino,dropcacheonclose=true,link_cow=true,category.create=mfs,cache.entry=120,cache.attr=120,x-systemd.requires=zfs-mount.service 0 0

Storj Non-Docker using SystemD

This is just basic hints, not a full guide This assumes you have some basic linux knowledge Download identity and storagenode from github (I like to download these things to /opt/storj/) Create auth token HERE Create identity HERE (This took about 4 hours on my node | E3-1280 V2) storagenode setup. This will create config file and other needed files in ~/.local/share/storj/storagenode/config.yaml and ~/.local/share/storj/storagenode/storage Now you need to edit ~/.local/share/storj/storagenode/config.yaml and make changes as needed (wallet, identity files and data storage locations, email, storage size)
