Posts for: #hdd

MergerFS Multidisk Mount Batocera

Make required directories mkdir -p /userdata/mergerfs/VERSION_NUMBER && cd /userdata/mergerfs/VERSION_NUMBER Download newest static mergerfs build, current built now can be found HERE extract tar -xvzf FLIE_NAME.tgz cd ../ && ln -s VERSION_NUMBER current Create disk labels so we know what to add to the script, replace LABEL_NAME and /dev/sda1 with your disk info e2label LABEL_NAME /dev/sda1. Thankfully batocera mounts disks by label in the /media/ folder Create script to mount nano mergerfs.

Seagate Disable Sleep

To disable sleep run the following commands for f in $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep ata-ST | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | sed 's/9//g' | sed 's/1//g' | sort | uniq); do /opt/openseachest/openSeaChest-v23.03.1-linux-x86_64-portable/openSeaChest_PowerControl -d "/dev/${f}" --powerBalanceFeature disable; done for f in $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep ata-ST | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | sed 's/9//g' | sed 's/1//g' | sort | uniq); do /opt/openseachest/openSeaChest-v23.03.1-linux-x86_64-portable/openSeaChest_PowerControl -d "/dev/${f}" --EPCfeature disable; done
