Posts for: #WordPress

WP-Cli Tips and tricks

Install wp-cli curl -O php wp-cli.phar --info chmod +x wp-cli.phar mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp Install new wordpress domain using wp-cli Make sure directory has permisisons for web user cd "WEB_DIRECTORY" sudo -u www-data wp core download sudo -u www-data wp config create --dbname=DATABASE_NAME --dbuser=DATABASE_USER --dbpass=DATABASE_PASSWORD --dbhost=DATABASE_HOST sudo -u www-data wp core install --url=URL_INCLUDING_HTTPS --title=SITE_TITLE --admin_user=ADMIN_USERNAME --admin_password=ADMIN_PASSWORD --admin_email=ADMIN_EMAIL --skip-email sudo -u www-data wp plugin delete 'hello' sudo -u www-data wp plugin delete 'akismet'

Equalize Pricing Tables Height with Divi

How to make the pricing table height the same. When using the pricing tables module you will see that the height of each table is going to rely on the content you put there, so if you have different content in each table, you will see something like this: This might be okay, but you may want to have those tables show with the same height. You can use the following CSS code:
