Only copy specific file extentions in folder
rsync -a --include '*/' --include '*.mp3' --exclude '*' source/ target/
Speed up rsync over SSH without needed to change any configs. arcfour is faster, but no longer enabled by default meanwhile aes128-ctr is
rsync -avhP -e "ssh -c aes128-ctr" /src/ user@ip:/dst/
rsync ssh with non standard port
rsync -avhP -e "ssh -p number" /src/ user@ip:/dst/
rsync ssh with non standard port and show full progress
Install resolvconf
sudo apt install resolvconf
Edit the base file with what you want to always be in the file
sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
Have resolvconf rebuild the base
sudo resolvconf -u
Show logs from when systemd service last restarted. (This needs systemd > v232)
journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID=$(systemctl show -p InvocationID --value SERVICE_NAME.service) | head -n15
NFS Mount with NFS and /etc/fstab
From all of my reading over the years it’s always been said to add _netdev to the /etc/fstab mount, but that never worked for me. After more reading it appears that was for SystemV which is dead. I figured it out after much Googleing.
Connect via SSH client with a different user by default nano ~/.ssh/config
Add the following to the file above:
Host * User DEFAULT_USER Force Password auth ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no user@host
I was trying to get an alias to work with a ProxyPass. This is pretty easy in NGiNX you just add locations where they need to be, but it appears in Apache/HTTPD you have to specify to ignore the location without the ProxyPass Module
The below needs to be added into your VirtualHost. This specific use was for the AppRise_API server
Alias "/s" "/opt/apprise/server/apprise_api/static" <Directory "/opt/apprise/server/apprise_api/static"> AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> ReWriteEngine on ProxyPassMatch ^/s !
Here’s a couple tips and tricks while using dd on Linux
You can view the status of an on-going dd command (I always forget to run with progress or the version you’re using doesn’t have it)
You will need another terminal window. Not a problem for me as I always use tmux, some people say screen it better. Find PID of dd process -> ps aux | grep -v grep | grep dd
I always add a file into /etc/sudoers.d/, just remeber the last entry is trump, so it can overturn the first entries.
Because of this I always like to name the files like below.
/etc/sudoers.d/999_nick /etc/sudoers.d/001_rick /etc/sudoers.d/111_slick-rick /etc/sudoers.d/222_slick-nick This means if there’s an entry in 999_nick that conficts with any of the others it will trump the other configs.
This is how to run without password and only specific program, this is useful, for example my telegraf config when it has to run an exec, but the telegraf user doesn’t have perms.
Here is a basic cheatsheet for InfluxDB I’ve learned from playing with the TIG stack
How to find the hosts in the series. You run the below command and just go through the list to find the host you want to delete. You can delete with what you know the host is, but his is nice because it will insure there wasn’t a typo
Here is how you actually drop the data from the DB that way it’s not displayed in Grafana anymore
This so far has been working for me to have DroneCI behind an NGiNX reverse proxy working with Gitea
NGiNX Code nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
upstream droneci { server; } server { server_name; listen 443 ssl http2; ssl_certificate /etc/certs/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/certs/; ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m; ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; location / { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header Host; proxy_pass http://droneci; proxy_redirect off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_buffering off; chunked_transfer_encoding off; } } Here is the code for the docker container docker run \ --volume=/var/lib/drone:/data \ --env=DRONE_GITEA_SERVER="https://git.
Today I was finally able to figure out how to stdin from a file for systemctl edit :-)
env SYSTEMD_EDITOR=tee sudo -E systemctl edit --system [your_unit_name] < [your_content_file] I found it HERE.
Here is how to install SSL certs using that will work with haProxy \ --install-cert \ -d \ --reloadcmd \ "cat \$CERT_KEY_PATH \$CERT_FULLCHAIN_PATH >/etc/haproxy/ssl/ && \ service haproxy reload"
There’s many times when I want to send an email for testing using postfix and I can never remember how to do it. Here is how.This is super useful to make sure your SMTP relay thru AWS/Postmark is working as it should. Then you can tail /var/log/mail.log to see if it worked or if it got rejected for whatever reason.
First type the following to start sendmail
sendmail [email protected] Now we can type in or paste the following
This is very useful when you have everything redirected with NGiNX to HTTPS, but requires HTTP for verification.
server { listen 80; server_name DOMAIN.COM; root HTTP_ROOT; location ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { try_files $uri =404; } location / { return 301 https://DOMAIN.COM$request_uri; } }
Sometimes you have an email account and you want to edit the email/hour for only one of the domain on the account, here is how to do that.
SSH to the server ssh Edit the file /var/cpanel/users/userAccount file Add or Edit a line like this Replace with the domain name in question, and 100 with the number of emails per hour you wish to allow. Save the file and run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updateuserdomains
Sometimes you don’t know or want to change the root password to be able to log into WHM as root (yes I know you shouldn’t log in as root, but sometimes you do). Here’s the command to do that via CLI
whmapi1 create_user_session user=root service=whostmgrd locale=en This will return something like to following
data: cp_security_token: /cpsess9427258339 expires: '1596644759' locale: en service: whostmgrd session: root:J7omtbeEeUhJ9yPK:create_user_session,yAs86MVYrHT46avjRLAGxhHaEFrFV3Hf url:;=root%2UtnqjEJVUBNo2JnKH%3acreate_user_session%55nNCwxRW4tzqEe6NUYKwWrDM7N485TiYA metadata: command: create_user_session reason: Created session result: 1 version: 1 You will use the URL and it will take you right into WHM
Here’s how to create a cert/csr with more than one domain name.
First you’ll want to create the directory. I use NGiNX so I like to put my certs in /etc/nginx/ssl, but you can put yours anywhere So now we will create the directory mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl/domainName Now we will cd into the directory cd /etc/nginx/ssl/domainName Now we will paste the following in the sslConfig.txt file.
[req] default_bits = 4096 prompt = no default_md = sha256 req_extensions = req_ext distinguished_name = dn [ dn ] C=US ST=YOURstateHERE L=YOURcityHERE O=YOURorgNAMEhere CN = YOURmainDOMAINhere [ req_ext ] subjectAltName = @alt_names [ alt_names ] DNS.
How to make the pricing table height the same.
When using the pricing tables module you will see that the height of each table is going to rely on the content you put there, so if you have different content in each table, you will see something like this:
This might be okay, but you may want to have those tables show with the same height. You can use the following CSS code:
Unfortunately it doesn’t appear cPanel allows you to easily change the username. Most documentation I’ve read says to use the “Rearrange an Account” option, but if you only have one disk that doesn’t seem to get you an option. The downside to this is that is doesn’t fully do a normal restore it will restore the new account to the new directory, but it will symlink the old username to the new directory.
First you have to install I like using because it’s all bash based. As with all posts I take no responsibility for anything and this is more of a quick help instead of a full guide.
I have a script that I use to deploy my WordPress sites. The only thing I recommend is if you use it make sure to add the xml-rpc.php block. I haven’t added that to it yet.
I was having issues finding the correct way to add the remaining free space to the last partition (afraid to do so since it was on a live machine). I was finally able to figure it out.
Use this to see free space
parted /dev/sdX print free Then this to expand
parted /dev/sdX (parted) resizepart Partition number? ENTER NUMBER FROM ABOVE THAT HAS THE LVM End? [1075MB]? 100% (parted) q Then now since this was on a server that uses LVM you have to resize the PV
How to use SSL tunneling on WSL and access on local machine. This is super useful when needing to VNC into a smartOS KVM VM.
ssh -L [email protected]
I learned about XCP-NG not to log ago and love it. It’s great and easy to use. My only issue is I guess on newer versions of Windows 10/Server 2019 they were having freezing issues. I had the issue with Windows 10. I just went with Windows 7 VMs for what I needed until they get the problem worked out. XCP-NG works great with Linux. Here are some useful commands I’ve found.