Add Windows Server 2016 Core to Existing domain
First we need to configure static IP address This can be done by typing the below
Enter Powershell
Change computer name
Rename-Computer -NewName "NewName"
shutdown -s -t 0
log back in and go to power shell
Find interface index
Set IP Address
New-NetIPAddress –InterfaceIndex 2 –IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway
Set DNS address
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 2 -ServerAddresses
Now it’s time for the “FUN” part. Now I realize why I don’t like core server. I love Linux, but windows and CMD is horrible.
Now go to a current domain controller. This creates the computer account in AD
Djoin.exe /provision /domain domain.local /machine MachineName /savefile .\file2
After you have done the above make sure you see the computer in AD
Now we are going to add the core server to trustedhosts on current DC
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts ""
This will pop up box for logging in. The will be the administrator account on the nano server
Now we are going to create a new powershell session
$IP = ""
$Session = NewPSSession -ComputerName $ip -Credential $ip\Administrator
Now we are going to copy over the file we created on the DC
Copy-Item -ToSession $Session -Path 'C:\lcoationOfFile' -Destination C:\ -Recurse -Verbose
Now we are going to connect to the session and run the below command
$Session | Enter-PSSession
djoin /requestodj /loadfile c:\filename /windowspath c:\windows /localos
Now we are going to restart the server
shutdown /r /t 0
Once it comes back up it should be on the domain.
You should not be able to control the core server from the current DC server manager. To do this you open up server manager and hit manage > add server. After that is done from the server manager you should be able to make any changes you’d like.