Posts for: #bashrc

Use Gotify CLI with just curl and jq

Install Reqs apt install -y curl jq Add to bashrc file nano ~/.bashrc function gotify() { if [[ -z "$1"] || -z "$2" || -z "$3" ]]; then echo echo "Usage: gotify [title] [message] [priority]"; echo else source /etc/gotify.conf URL="${URL}/message?token=${TOKEN}" command=$(curl -s "${URL}" -F "title=${1}" -F "message=${2}" -F "priority=${3}" | jq '.id') && echo "Sent with ID: ${command}" unset URL; unset TOKEN fi } Add config nano /etc/gotify.conf URL="https://URL.COM" TOKEN="APP_TOKEN"

tar.xz Max Options

To use max XZ compression and all cores add export XZ_OPT='-T0 -9' to the end of your ~/.bashrc file. To use all cores add export XZ_OPT='-T0' to the end of your ~/.bashrc file. To use max XZ compression add export XZ_OPT='-9' to the end of your ~/.bashrc file. Then exit terminal and go back or source ~/.bashrc
